Do you ever walk into the car showroom and buy the first car you see? We bet there are more considerations, comparisons, and conversations before you buy your car. Similarly, if you want to run your business smoothly, you need a proper database and analysis system. That is why power BI consultants for Microsoft Power BI are crucial for your business. In this blog, we discuss how you can find the right Microsoft Power BI consultant for your needs.

Before finding the right Power BI consultant, let’s understand their need and role.  

What Power BI Is Used For? 

What Power BI Is Used For_

Power BI is a business intelligence tool managed by Microsoft. The tool allows users to create an all-in-one database for analysis and understanding their business better. Business Intelligence tools like Microsoft  Power BI are growing in popularity. So, it is no surprise that 67% of the global workforce has adopted business intelligence in their organization.It helps you understand your business standing and track the performance of all departments. 

Following are a few reasons why Power BI is important:

Create an all-in-one database 

Power BI allows you to connect diverse data sources and create a single database. The tools integrate various sources and facilitate direct data collection. So, you can connect all your data sources like Google Ad Report, your system, and more. 

360-degree data visualization 

Data visualization dashboards allow you to get a 360-degree of your business. Hence, no matter who you are you can always glance at KPIs of your business. It helps you track performance, make decisions, 

Make data-backed decision 

Shooting a dart in the dark is difficult, hitting the bull’s eye to win is even more difficult. Similarly, decision-making in the dark is hard, and expecting it to be right is a recipe for failure. Rather than relying on beliefs alone, back it up with solid data analysis with power BI consulting. Thus, Power BI provides you with tools to extract the necessary insights to help you make the right decision. 

Automatic report generation 

Report generation is one tedious task, but it is important for improvement. Therefore, Power BI is equipped with tools to ease the process of report generation. 

What Does A Microsoft Power BI Consultant Do?

To get the best of Power BI you need someone with a great understanding of the platform. A Power BI consultant is that someone! MS Power BI consultants know the ins and outs of the platform and have analytics knowledge. Hence, they know how to operate the platform and get the necessary insights. 

The following are the roles and responsibilities of a Power BI consultant: 

Understand your project needs

Power BI consultants must understand your specific needs first. Imagine you creating a product without considering the needs of your customers. Results? Probably a failure. Thus, they need to understand the needs and goals of Power BI consultation. 

Perform data modeling for the database 

To get insights and visual dashboards you need a data source. So, the power BI consultants need to collect data and re-model it to store it. Thus, they can extract the necessary data when needed in just a few clicks. A Microsoft Power BI consultant with the advanced tools available on the platform creates a database for you. 

Create a data visualization dashboard 

With Power BI, you can create a visual board for every important business KPI. We humans rely on our visual stimuli to remember something. So, a Power BI consultant helps you present the data insights in charts and graphs to make it more understandable and presentable. 

Providing necessary support and training

The Power BI consultants provide the necessary training and support to your staff. It enables your staff to access the platform and operate it easily. Additionally, the consultant must provide customer support to tackle any problem and provide solutions relating to Power BI. 

How To Choose The Right Power Bi Consultant

We know what Power BI is used for and what Power BI consultants do. Now, let’s understand how to choose the right one for your business. 

Expertise in MS Power BI 

Operating Power BI requires technical and analytical skills. Thus, a Power BI consultant must be an expert in the technical field with great knowledge of programming languages for integration and setup. Additionally, analytical skills allow the MS Power BI consultant to create useful data visualization dashboards with ease. 

The Power BI consultant must have a proven record of their skills in the form of certifications. Microsoft provides partnership certificates to experienced and trustable consultants. It ensures the credibility and trustability of the Power BI consultant for providing Power BI consulting services. 

Experience in Power BI Consulting 

Expertise alone shouldn’t be your selection parameter. Look at their work and projects to gauge their skills. Look at their portfolio to gauge their skills, especially the diversity of the portfolio project. Additionally, you can ask them questions that help you determine their skills. 

Power BI supporting services 

One of the most important factors in determining the worth of the power BI consultant is the supporting services they provide. Power BI Consulting is not just about creating dashboards and databases, it includes training the team, understanding your needs for optimization, and more. Post-setup staff training is important as it allows your staff to easily access the platform and generate necessary reports. It saves time, energy, and resources. So, pay close attention to these details. 

Testimonies from existing clients

Trust what their customers say about them rather than the sweet flattering words. Look at the testimonies available for their work, ethics, and behavior with the customers. 

Why trust Squillion Tech as your power BI consultant?

Squillion Tech is a team of tech experts providing diverse services. One of our expertise is power bi consulting service. Our team of Power BI consultants provides customized Power BI services: from databases to dashboards and everything in between. We have our Power BI consultant in the UK, USA, India, and other countries help us make our services available globally. 

What makes Squillion Tech’s Power BI consultant trustable?

  • Authorized Microsoft partners for Power BI consulting 
  • A team of Microsoft-certified Power BI Developers 
  • Personalized plan to build your project per your needs
  • Meticulous development and testing for efficient dashboard 
  • Consistent communication for insights and feedback
  • Training your staff for easy access and report generation 
  • Commitment to provide industry standard services consistently

If you are looking for a Power BI consultant to enhance the business intelligence of your organization, you have come to the right place. We offer expert Power BI consulting services at a reasonable price that benefits us both! Let’s connect and talk about it. 


Power BI is important for your business to thrive. Microsoft Power BI is a tool for business intelligence to help you collect data and make data-backed decisions. Power BI consultant services include database creation, getting analytical insights, creating visualization dashboards, and report generation. The Power BI consultants train your staff to access Power BI and use it for report generation and insights. 

There are many Power BI consultants but only a few can be trusted. Thus, when you are looking for Microsoft Power BI consultants check a few things. First, check their expertise in using Power BI like certifications or partner badges provided by Microsoft (like we have!), and look at their experience in Power BI projects, and supporting support.  Most importantly, check the testimonials of their customers to learn about their customer service quality. Get on-call with them to learn more about their offerings and prices before you make your final decision. 

Squillion Tech is an authorized partner to provide services with Power BI consultants. We assist you at each step from understanding your needs to building your customized Power BI database and dashboard. Let’s empower your business decisions with Power BI.Â